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Pet Dental Care

Approximately 70-80% of all cats and dogs over the age of three have periodontal disease, even though it is highly preventable and treatable. If you have noticed your pet has bad breath, it can be a sign of an unhealthy mouth. Bad breath is caused by bacteria that, over time, can lead to plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth. The buildup can cause gingivitis, gum recession, and bone loss.

Pet Dental Care

Our pet’s teeth can affect the health of their entire bodies. The build-up on the teeth can also contribute to heart, liver, and kidney disease. Dental health shouldn’t be taken for granted. Many dental problems can be managed through home care, regular dental checkups, and teeth cleanings.

Pet Dental Care Service Image

Here at Southgate Veterinary Hospital, we are proud to provide our patients with state-of-the-art dental procedures. Our Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment, or COHAT, are done under general anesthesia.

Once the pet is fully anesthetized, full-mouth dental X-rays are taken to assess the teeth for abscesses, bone loss, and any other abnormalities that lay under the gum line and can’t be seen by the naked eye. Once X-rays are complete, the veterinary technician probes and checks each tooth. Technicians check for mobility, deep periodontal pockets, fractures, and abnormalities.

Each pet ends up with their own dental chart, which keeps records of extracted teeth, missing teeth, pocket depth, gum recession, and much more! Once X-rays and charting are done, our skilled doctors assess the X-rays and do an oral exam. Doctors then decide if any additional treatment needs to be done.

The procedure is finished with our technicians cleaning all teeth with an ultrasonic cleaner and polisher, leaving the teeth clean and smooth. At discharge, our doctors go over what was exactly found in your pet’s mouth, and the technician will then go over home care. Each pet leaves with a personalized brochure with before and after pictures of the teeth. X-rays are sometimes included to show bone loss and disease affecting the teeth. The best part about the procedure is your pet leaves the clinic with fresh breath, a clean mouth, and a healthy smile.

Once your pet has fresh, clean teeth, multiple things can be done at home to keep them in optimal condition. Brushing is the number one recommended at-home care. Like us, brushing daily prevents the bacteria from building up and causing periodontal disease. Always use pet-friendly toothpaste when brushing. Most pet toothpaste comes in pet-friendly flavors as well. Other products are also available for pets that don’t like their mouths touched. Products range from water and food additives to treats, gels, and much more! We recommend all products listed through the Veterinary Oral Health Council. Feel free to ask us for a list of their approved products. You can also find them online at http://www.vohc.org/. We carry several dental products, some you can find in our lobby. Don’t be afraid to ask your veterinarian or veterinary technician which product would be suitable for you and your pet!