Small Animal Care

We recommend yearly exams on all pets, even if they are not due for vaccines. For our senior patients (7+ years old), we recommend exams every six months.

Small Animal Care

Our wellness examinations include a general analysis of your pet’s physical condition, including ears, eyes, heart, lungs, teeth, weight, and overall appearance. We offer care for all life stages for your pets: from puppies and kittens to adult and senior pets.

Vet Examining a Cat

Our 1st puppy bundle includes an all-over exam, a broad spectrum deworming, the first round of vaccines (Bordetella and Distemper/Adenovirus/Parainfluenza/Parvovirus), an intestinal parasite exam, and their first dose of heartworm and flea/tick prevention.

Our 1st kitten bundle includes an all-over exam, a broad spectrum deworming, the first Rhinotracheitis/Calici/Panleukopenia vaccine, an intestinal parasite exam, and (+/-) FeLV/FIV testing.

We offer LVT appts for our clients that have an active client/patient relationship with us for visits with our licensed veterinary technicians so you can have your pet’s anal glands expressed or nails trimmed if they are too difficult to do at home. You can also bring your pet in for suture/staple removal if they had surgery performed here or elsewhere.